Medicare guidelines, Medicare guidelines for chiropractors, ICD 10 codes,  

Clinic Pro Software PDF File Downloads

ClinicPro Software proudly includes information that can be used for any chiropractic office including disability Index, guidelines for Medicare processing, common ICD 10 codes and any documentation that helps chiropractic offices function more efficiently and productively.  Please feel free to browse our website for all of the chiropractic tips that we have included.  We are not just a software company, we are in informational tool that you can use for your office.

Oswerty Low back disability form is the accepted form used for verifying PQRS on a monthly basis for clients. This form should be filled out to show that clients are making progress toward the specified goals for Medicare. This is only a Medicare requirement for chiropractic. It can, however, be used for other patients.

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Oswerty Low Back Disability Form
The Oswerty Low Back Disability Index is the standard for measuring disability as a result of low back pain and dysfunction. A copy of the form is available for download.